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Washoe County Medical Society


If you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu

Physicians are busy and need representation in a myriad of legislative, professional and community forums. Our priority forums are the places where we practice medicine and interact with our patients. They trust us to provide the best possible care.

This is why WCMS and NSMA are so important to us as professionals. They provide a critical forum for physicians to set priorities that lead to optimum healthcare in our community. Together, our collective voices will be loud and strong before the legislative and regulatory bodies that shape how we practice medicine. We are present and active with other professional associations in enhancing the quality of care and influencing regulations that affect us and colleagues.

My goals for 2020 are to:

  1. Increase our members by 20%
  2. Work even more closely with the UNR Reno School of Medicine
  3. Work closely with AWCMS
  4. Develop closer relationships with our younger generation physicians
  5. Work to improve the health of our patients in Washoe County

To achieve these goals:

  1. Each of us to bring one new member this year. The endorsement of a peer is far more valuable than any ad, email or brochure that may cross your desk. So, please bring in a member and help that person get engaged. As an added incentive, the first member to enroll seven new members will be awarded with a wine weekend for two in Sonoma County. My challenge is for one of you to beat me to it!
  2. Collaboration is key to our success. It enables WCMS to tap resources and talents with a wide range of healthcare expertise in this community without duplicating efforts. We will continue to strengthen our community partnerships, with special emphasis on the medical school, and seek one or two new ones.
  3. One of the most important partnerships is with the Alliance of WCMS, an awesome yet unrealized resource for recruiting and retaining members. We plan to work more closely than ever with the Alliance in enhancing both organizations.
  4. We must find successful ways to engage young physicians and new physicians coming to Reno. I welcome any and all ideas.

Finally, thanks to all who have been or are engaged on the board, a committee or commission. Your contributions are what makes this a great organization. I invite those of you who are not engaged, to get involved. Join a committee, attend the events and share you story through our newsletter.

I’m excited about the year ahead and look forward to leading the 2020 board.